After weeks of begging, pleading, and nagging, I decided to give my 15 yr. old daughter a shot at driving around the neighborhood streets to evaluate her skills before beginning her drivers education. Before I move on with this post, let me inform everyone that I made the mistake of going the route of the Parent-taught Drivers Ed course with my first daughter. I think the Texas DPS office must have some sort of kickback agreement with every insurance agency in the state to even think of offering parents the option of teaching their own kids. Firstly, at $20.00, its extremely cheap compared to professional drivers ed schools that charge upwards of $300.00. What parent wouldn't jump at the chance to use the money for something else... like auto body repair? Anyway, after two wrecks and one totaled car, I sent my oldest daughter off to college with a credit card and a bicycle.
I decided that I would not make the same mistake with the 2nd daughter, already looking for a drivers ed school that might save me a little cash. Kendall and I decided to take a quick drive and see exactly how much she really knew about driving a car. We loaded up in the Land Rover (a very used 1996 one), I watched her adjust the seat, fasten her seat belt, adjust the mirrors and start the car. All good so far until we pulled out of the driveway and I began the slow realization that she could not judge speed and steering at the same time. Long story short, after almost hitting two parked cars, weaving on BOTH sides of the road and stopping 2 feet short of hitting a large assortment of trees and bushes, we made it back to the house where she will wait patiently for the foolish drivers ed instructor unlucky enough to draw my daughter as his next assignment.
I'm reminded of the car repair commercial from years ago with the mechanic that looks into the camera and utters the most intelligent words anyone will ever hear... "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later." My checkbook is already open.
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